The early morning hours invite the cool canyon breezes with a hit of jasmine in the air. I wandered up Main Street with my mom long before the shops opened to see what Bisbee had to offer willing tourists. It is nice to know the humble matryoshka has made it all the way to the antique stores of this old mining town.We saw the famed "Bisbee Blue" turquoise, but it wasn't my favorite.

Bikers seem to love Bisbee as much as the rest of us and
they all appeared to gather at the
Breakfast Club Café for what was reported to
be the “best in town”. For this morning I traded in my normal fare of leftovers
or yogurt/nuts/berries for the mouthwatering decadence of pancakes and eggs
over easy. We even indulged in a serving of biscuits and gravy to share. Worth ever
calorie filled bite!
The café was located on Lowell Street, right next to the
Lavender Pit copper mine. The tour was booked for the day, so we just took photos from above. With a Sprouse Ritz 5-10-25 cent store and countless
motorcycle and car shops, this street was probably the place to be in its time. A few vintage cars still line the street and make for a good photo.
We checked out of our hotel and made it to
Tombstone just as the Wyatt
Earp Days were in full swing. It was a playground for that particular
part of the population that enjoys dressing up and taking on a character
for the day.There were some, however, that looked like they just
stepped off the Wells Fargo Stagecoach in 1881 and were bewildered by
all the commotion. Dad and I even got a history lesson at the O.K.
Corral Gunfight Site.

We didnt have much of an appetite for dinner so we opted for the giant cobbler ala mode at the TTT truck stop cafe, Omar's. Mine was cherry and had enough ice cream swirled on top to feed an army! A sight and taste to behold!
We decided it was too early to head back to Coolidge, so we found a room at the Quality Inn & Suites, just off Oracle Rd. in Tucson. Of course, we made it just in time for Dad and I to make it to see the next installment of the X-Men movie in 3-D. It was quite a ride! Tomorrow...the De Grazia Studio and the mission at San Xavier del Bac.