Saturday, December 21, 2013

Arizona 2013: Desert Redesigned

Having been raised in Arizona, I always knew that the sky here was big and wide and that the desert could be both unique an unexpected. Cactus abounds and the Prickly Pear are even farmed by my parent's neighbor for their fruit and juicy "leaves".

Winter weather is very unpredictable. It could be 70 degrees one day and 40 the next with sprinkles quickly followed by torrential downpours. Recent rains stirred up the green and left puddles on the desert floor. On this particular day, the clouds followed no special order in shape, color or composition. They filled the December sky like a grey-blue watercolor. It is only about an hour drive from Coolidge to Phoenix past harvested cotton fields, colorful rooftops on the houses in the Gila River Indian Reservation and soldier-like saguaro along the roadside. As I drove up to my sister's place, I remembered just how important and how far away the "Valley" used to seem.

On Friday, half of my family gathered at the Desert Botanical Gardens to see a desert completely redesigned; over sized swollen cactus were invaded by sleek, colorful sculptures. The artist, Chihuly, had returned to Phoenix to embellish the desert with the sultry hues and textures of blown glass.
We braved the nip in the air as we "ooh-ed and awe-ed" with the rest of the spectators. Christmas musician were strategically position throughout the gardens to remind us of the season.  It was a magical night and a great time with my niece, Sawyer, spreading joy and blowing kisses.

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