Friday, March 6, 2015

France 2015: Escalier or Ascenseur: Scaling Castle Hill

I woke up early so I had no excuse not to make the trek up to the top of Castle Hill. The little tourist train my mom and I had taken up when we visited Nice didn't start running until 10am so it was either the elevator inside the mountain or the stairs all the way up. I was fine with taking the elevator - nothing to prove. On the way to the hill, I walked through the Cours Saleya market with flower and fruit sellers just setting up for the day...and a frou-frou dog patiently waiting.

Next to the Hotel Suisse was the elevator. However, next to the ascenseur sign was the schedule saying it opened at 10am. Doesn't anything open before 10am in France? So nothing left to do but start climbing stairs - there were a lot more stairs than the ones showing in my photo... I took several "photo breaks" on the way up to disguise my need rest my legs. I even met a few locals along the way out for a run or to walk their dogs. Nothing like seeing Nice from above!

Stopped into McDonalds on the way back to my hotel for the best hot chocolate ever!  All it took was hot frothy milk and a packet of coco.

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