It wouldn't be a trip to Moscow without a stroll down Arbat Street. In years past, this street was crammed full with souvenir stands of fur hats, nesting dolls and military memorabilia. The souvenirs have since moved to shops in the buildings and all that remains are a few portrait artist and workers in teddy bear and Tigger suits passing out flyers. I spent most of the morning going up and down the street looking for the perfect gifts to bring home. I was able to charm a group of girls in the Matryoshka Russian Souvenir Shop on Arbat #32 (with my unexpected Russian language skills) into giving me quite a discount. Starbucks has free wi-fi, so I indulged in an overpriced raspberry-red current frozen drink while I checked emails and uploaded photos to Instagram.
I finished up my shopping and then decided to head out to Gorky Park. Several people told me I should visit the redesigned park so I made my way out there (I was there 20+ years ago when it had a huge rickety Farris Wheel that cost 1 ruble a ride.) I got off at the Park Kultury metro stop and followed the crowds across the Moscow River to the entrance of the park. I could see they were setting up for a big 2015 Moscow Graduation celebration, but people seemed to still be walking into the park. I was wrong. There was a small sign on the gate saying the park was closed for two days, Sure would have been nice to know this before trekking across the bridge in the rain.
Finally time for dinner. The mall near my hotel has a pretty good food court on the 3rd floor so I ordered a bit of everything from ravioli-like pelmeni and the green tarragon drink - Tarhun, to meat filled blini and a dessert shaped like a potato called "kartoshka". It was perfect.
When I made it back to my hotel, I noticed a wedding party in the grounds just in front of the monastery. I stole a peak and found a little girl posing by the pond. It looked like a scene from a Russian painting.
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