Saturday, December 22, 2012

Arizona 2012: The end of the world, a birthday and a very cute baby

 What do moving walkways, snowflakes, and a skeleton in a fuzzy green hat have in common? These are a few of the "christmasy" things I found at the Salt Lake Airport during my delay on Friday. The "end of the world" came and went without much fanfare. I am thrilled not to have encountered any mystical beings or major calamities at 30,000 feet. The only inconvenience was the airport delay due to massive winter storms slowing my plane down from the Midwest. The Arizona sun had already set when I arrived home. I was obviously overdressed for the 60 degrees that greeted me.

One of the reasons I came home early was to be there on December 22 to celebrate my Dad's 71st birthday. I knew a trip to the movies would be mandatory (my father is a self-proclaimed junkie with no intentions of rehabilitation) so we found one both Mom and Dad would both enjoy - "Rise of the Guardians" - an animated holiday film with a Russian accented Father Frost named "North" and a classic battle between good and evil (or at least between Santa, the Easter Bunny, Sandman, Tooth Fairy and Jack Frost and the devilish 'bogie man' with 'nightmare' minions.) Since it was his birthday, my Dad decided he was entitled to finish 3 king sized candy bars - several variations of Reeces - all by himself.

 After the movie, we met up with Larena, Erica, and baby Sawyer for an early dinner at Olive Garden. It is amazing how much power a small bundle of only 12 pounds can wield on 5 seemingly 'grown-up" adults. After her "conversations with Grandpa", Sawyer continued to charm those eating at the next table. We took some photos afterwards...I think Sawyer out-dressed us all in her candy cane outfit and tu-tu cuffed footies - Dad was a close secondwith his new Polo jacket - tag still attached.


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