Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Baton Rouge 2014: Great to be 8!

My last day in Baton Rouge was spent on the ice. Kate wanted to go skating for her 8th birthday. Luckily, the River Center had ice skating available the week of her birthday. I had a few birthday ice skating parties myself - quite a treat in the Arizona desert. With an actual "birth date" to circle on the calendar only once every 4 years, I tend to remember those early birthdays the best. 8th birthday: costume party (I think I dressed up as Betsy Ross???) - 12th birthday: ice skating at Metro Center; 16th birthday: cake delivered to dress rehearsal for the school play. I think this one will be a favorite of Kate's for a long time. Brennan was a natural on the ice. He whizzed by us as he practiced his "ice shaving" stops.

Joined by friends and family, we indulged in an Olive Garden dinner (special thanks to the waiter who brought the "manager banned" birthday cake with candles and a personalized 'Kate' plate) and a trip to Toys 'R Us for Kate to spend her birthday $$. She opted for the mini "Kitchen Aid" so she could mix batter and bake like her mom.

Its great to be 8!

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