Sunday, July 7, 2013

Belize 2013: Just Another Sunday in San Pedro...

Sunday morning was slow to start. Saturday night had tired out most of the neighbors and many of the tourists headed back to the mainland. The church building was only about a 10 minute walk along the beach front. A small branch with the missionaries making sure everything was running as it should.

In true island fashion, the rest of the day was spent on the beach. I was a bit burned from our excursion yesterday, so I stayed under the palm most of the time. Our neighbor, Chico, took out his machete and opened up a few coconuts for us to try the coconut water. It was clean and very refreshing. The neighbor's dog, Bruno, loved it even more than I did and drank it out of my hand. However, I wasn't as impressed with the gelatin-like flesh of the new coconuts.

We went for a bike ride in the evening to explore the northern part of the island. Lined with exclusive condos and homes, it was quite a departure from the touristy side of San Pedro or the humble houses in San Mateo. Tomorrow we head back to the mainland for our boat ride up the river to the Mayan Ruins of Lamanai.

San Mateo

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