Three days before Christmas, I packed up my gifts (unwrapped since I was flying) and headed to Houston, Texas. My sister and her family were already there and were staying with my cousin just outside of Houston. As far as airports go, Houston is pretty easy to navigate. However the real test begins when you step outside Terminal A and try to pick someone up curbside. The highly attentive,whistle blowing traffic attendants will not let a car stop more than 15 seconds if the intended "pick up" is not ready, bags in hand, to make a flying leap into the car. Houston traffic and no Toll Road access meant I would have almost an hour to observe the ritual. Eventually, my sister arrived and I made a run for the minivan. All was well.

Being so close to the Mexican border, we thought it only fitting we seek out a Mexican Food Truck for lunch. We pulled up to the first one with tables. Between my 7th grade Spanish and our childhood spent eating Mexican food, Janel and I ordered up a feast...careful to avoid the tongue and tripe on the menu. It was some of the best tasting Mexican food I have had in a very long time - not a shred of orange cheddar cheese in sight. Jim was even pleased with the Barbacoa tacos he ordered. I was happy to indulge in the spicy Horchata - a creamy rice milk drink, perfect to cool down the hot sauce. The kids were lulled into submission with a very large, very cheesy quesadilla - Joel's daughter Bailey came along for the ride.

My mom was waiting for us at Joel's place with LeighAnn and little Miles - a precocious toddler who repeated everything said to him with remarkable accuracy. After dinner, we piled into the car to look at the neighborhood Christmas lights. The three littlest carolers dangled their legs out the back as we drove around at a snail's pace. As with most things in Texas, the Christmas light displays were the biggest and brightest that I have ever seen. Streets adopted themes like "The 12 Days of Christmas" - Texas style and Rudolph. With "Best Street" honors at stake, the home owners went all out and covered their yards from roof to mailbox with lights and life size cut-outs. Amazing!

Once back inside, I convinced the children to watch A Muppet's Christmas Carol again and they slowly nodded off to sleep. It was great to see my cousin and his family and to feel so at home - away from home. The next morning we were bid farewell by two 'reindeers'. After five or six hours on a very rainy road we made it to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dad was schedule to arrive that afternoon from Arizona, but ended up being rerouted via Nashville to avoid horrendous storms that swept across the entire south that night. He was about 4 hours late and miserably sick when he finally made it off the plane. Finally, all visitors had arrived. The Christmas Holiday had begun.
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