I never expected to have the chance to ice skate two days in a row... Tuesday was Ailene's birthday and she announced we were heading to the outdoor rink for a few quick turns on the ice. I have know her since college so I wanted her to have her birthday wish. We strapped on the skates and enjoyed the sunny breaks in the clouds. It was December, but it was Texas, so the outside temperature was hovering around 55 degrees. It felt like we were skating on a frozen outdoor lake that was slowly turning back to water. As shown on my knees, I fell once. Hard. Luckily Ailene has a very strong husband and a hockey playing son who helped get me back on my feet for a few more turns around the rink.

Satisfied with our attempt at physical activity, we headed on to The Woodlands for amazing BBQ ribs and Shane's chocolate on chocolate birthday cake. Good times in Houston. Even better times seeing good friends again.
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