Sunday, December 22, 2013

Arizona 2013: Five Days of Christmas in Coolidge

The clouds of the past few days had dumped all their moisture and went on their way. It was a beautiful warm Sunday afternoon and so I went for a walk out past the train tracks along the canal.  I stumbled upon a field of leftover cotton pods... the closest we ever got to fields of "snowy white". It had been ages since I actually hopped in a hay trailer filled with cotton (not as fun as it sounds) and I had forgotten just how incredibly soft it was fresh from the pod.

On my way back home I found a street filled with deflated lawn decorations and out of place snowmen and penguins. I tried to seek out 12 Days of Christmas, but found only five. Here they are...

Five Friends from the Land of Misfit Toys

Four Balls of Cotton

Three Inflatable Wise Men

Two Pigeon Doves 

And a Drunk Man* Near a Prickly Pear Cactus
 *my mom recognized the sweater on the same man in the park the following morning, so we know he made it out OK.

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