Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Russia 2015: A Walk in the Park

Last day in Moscow. Time to do a lot of walking in very large parks. I met up with my friends Vlas and Galina at Poklonaya Gora (Victory Park) for a walk through wars past and beautiful Russian forests. Galina's daughter, Alina, was there for her roller blade lessons. In fact, the park was full of skates, skateboards, and scooters. Several memorials and churches from various confessions are specked in quiet corners of the park. It was really impressive.

After a quick dinner back at Galina's I met with my friend from my Kostroma days, Olga. She just flew in from a trip to France and so we managed to catch up for a few hours that afternoon in Solokniki Park near her apartment. We ducked into one of the sidewalk cafes before the rain started. The mojito was perfect for the humid, cloudy afternoon (I didnt even miss the alcohol.)

I had been to this park many years ago during my Neways days, and it looked nothing like the park of today - ropes courses, mini trains giving tours around the park and girls selling flowers from baskets on their bikes. We made it to the Rose Garden during a break in the rain and then had a salad assortment back at her apartment. 

Back at my hotel, just around 11pm, fireworks! Not just a couple wimpy blasts, but at 10 minute barrage for the bride and groom celebrating in the hall downstairs. What a way to leave Russia in style!

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