Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mexico 2013: Seashells by the Sea Shore

We were on the road by 10am. Like any good American road trip, we had to stop to see the metal dinosaurs and to pick up some sandwiches just before we turned south to Mexico. After passing through the mining town of Ajo and the "blink and you miss it" town of Why we entered the Organ Pipe National Monument (which is more of a park than a monument and has many more saguaro, cholla and ocotillo cactus than it did actual organ pipe cactus.)

One hour after the boarder we reached Puerto Penasco, which now has a Sam’s Club just on the outskirts of town. Bulk was a little more than we needed for 3 days, so we went next door to the Bodega Aurrera. We stocked up on pastries, fresh tortillas, rice, cheese and flan to supplement our ‘one local meal a day’ plan.

The Mayan Palace resort is about 25 miles to the south-east of the city right on the Bay of Cortez. Maureen was the hostess that eagerly greeted us with fruit juice (since we declined the margaritas). She went through her scripted spiel and we agreed to the free breakfast and 90 "refresher" meeting in the morning. 

Our suite is very nice, unpretentious and actually bigger than my 2 bedroom apartment. The tide was on its way out and so I suited up and went out to take a dip in the warm sea and dig my toes into the micro fine sand. After an hour of doing absolutely nothing, mom and dad joined me on the beach to look for shells.

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