Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mexico 2013: A horsehoe crab, giant shrimp and a couple of parrots.

I spent the entire morning on the beach. Once again it was low tide, but I didn't mind. I waded out so far the resort looked like a thin sliver in the distance. There was a playful horseshoe crab that kept scurrying back as the tides washed it inward. After a while this started freaking me out and so I decided to read by the pool to the hypnotic tunes of Mexican elevator music.
We went back downtown in the afternoon. Dad had commissioned his new buddy, Nacho, to make six leather pouches for his coins, pills, and sundry mini things in his pockets and we needed to pick them up at the Cholla Mall by 4pm. We had a couple of hours to spare and so we went to lunch at our new favorite restaurant - The Point. Mom finally got her fish and they both sang along to the toothless men serenading them at the table. Not to be missed was the statue at 'el Malecon' of a man riding a shrimp - just a slight exaggeration on the huge local shrimp in the area.

After lunch, I walked around the back streets to get some 'off the beaten track' photos of the town. I stopped into a modest church on the hill and then found a few doors and windows to add to my "paint someday" collection. I was pleasantly suprised to find two parrots just hehind the taco stand.


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