Monday, March 9, 2015

Spain 2015: From Las Ramblas to Christopher Columbus

Las Ramblas is a central boulevard that cuts through the heart of Barcelona. It is full of flower vendors, candy stalls, but most of all people. I stopped in La Boqueria market at the halfway point for some fresh strawberries and a few bon-bons...needless to say they don't always tell you there is a little liqueur inside. Wow!

As I made my way down Las Ramblas, I saw the famous dragon above the former umbrella shop and finally the Column in honor of Christopher Columbus, who sailed from Barcelona on his voyage to the New World. I was rambled out, so I decided to head back to my hotel and relax.

So I took one of the miniature side streets that led into the Gothic Quarter. It was reminiscent of all the other old town centers I had seen in Italy and France - houses nestled up against one another with the narrowest of walkways in between. I was especially happy to have stumbled across the beautiful connecting bridge near the Cathedral of Barcelona. Since it cost 7eruo to actually enter the church, I decided to pass and save the remaining euros for my last day in Spain.

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