Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Italy 2015: Side Trip to Picturesque Boccadasse

I didn't want to travel all day to get from Bologna to Nice, France so I decided to stopover in Genoa. I took the high speed train to Milan (such a nice way to travel – felt like I was in a plane) and then the regular (lots of stops) train down to Genoa. I came here 3 years ago when I visited the Cinque Terre and saw a lot of the old town Genoa then. I was happy to find a little fishing village called Boccadasse along the outskirts of Genoa that had the charm and colorful buildings of the Cinque Terre towns. I could take a bus from the train station (just around the corner from my hotel) and try to make the most of my cloudy afternoon. The wind had picked up by the time I reached Boccadasse. There were a few locals but only one other tourist I could see taking photos. 

I can imagine that this place is packed when the weather is nicer. I enjoyed some pistachio gelato frozen on a stick enrobed in chocolate with toffee sprinkles. Amazing! I stepped in to the local church to get out of the wind and sat for a moment. This was the first time I ever saw replicas of ships hanging like chandeliers from the rafters…you can sure tell this was a mariner’s church. 

Note to self: remember to buy the return bus ticket beforehand – it may be difficult to find a Tabacchini stand. I thought the bus ride out was only about 15 minutes, so I decided to walk back along the Corso Italia. It was downhill almost all the way back to Brignole Train Station and there were plenty of dog walkers and locals out for a stroll to keep me company. Over an hour later I made it back to the starting point. I think that was another 5K walk for me! I should really have a T-shirt for every day I walk over 5K…like EVERY day. OK. San Marino wasn’t 5K, but there were A LOT of stairs. 

Too tired to find café, I ducked into the Mercato Orientale for some focaccia with olives and a bottle of lemon soda. Dinner of the gods! I am staying in the same hotel I was in 3 years ago as well, Albergo Astro. Each room has a theme and last time it was fish (lobster and crab in fishing nets on the wall) this time it is the Sun room with bright shiny suns surrounding my bed. I even have a balcony, not that I will get much use of it with the rain coming…

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