Saturday, October 27, 2012

Italy 2012: A view without a room: Milan

I always did like a good market – especially one with local character. The Mercato Orientale was only a few doors down from my hotel in Genoa. Not very Oriental these days, but still a very lively market. I found some foccacia with green and black olives baked in (my new weakness) and some Genovese pesto to try when I get home.

Mercato Orientale

I packed up and got the afternoon train to Milan. I originally thought I would go to visit my friend Francesca in Torino, but she wasn’t coming back from London until next month, so Milan was my alternate choice. It was still muggy and hot when I got out of the subway. After walking in circles for about 15 minutes, I finally found the Hotel Malta. Back down to one star (hotels were much more pricey in Milan), I hiked up to the 3rd floor, unloaded my gear and then took the subway down to the Duomo.

Hotel Malta in Milan.
The Milan Duomo, truly a sight to be experienced. I was here 9 years ago with my friend Dani and the Duomo still remains one of my most powerful Italian memories . The inside is impressive, massive and awe inspiring. However, it is the trip to the roof top that took my breath away.  I didn’t walk all the way up this time, there was a lift going part way up. I had forgotten just how amazing it is to walk out onto a stone roof, under archways and alongside gargoyles. The access they give is amazing. You can wander along one side and up to the top of the main cathedral. There was a haze creeping over much of the city that afternoon, so I couldn’t see very far into the distance. But that didn’t matter. Just being up there was otherworldly. I stayed for about 30 minutes, just gazing for every angle possible. Amazing.

Atop the Milan Duoom.

My view without a room.
View of Milan from atop the Duomo.
I was the only one in the elevator on the way down. As the doors were closing, the attendant said, "See (pointing to himself,) like John Travolta" and gave me an Italian two-cheeked hug. I didn't see the resemblance. Maybe his name was John too, maybe it was just a long day and he was trying to keep things interesting. I didn’t have much daylight when I touched ground, but I went to check out the Castle (Castello Sforzesco) for a bit of contrast to the Duomo.  Ancient and rugged, it had a more medieval feel to it.
Castello Sforzesco

I had to stop by yet another pharmacy that night, all out of cold medicine and this one was not giving up easily. It was quite a game of charades this time, but the pharmacist figured out my pantomime and I went home with more decongestant. I plan on spending the afternoon on Lake Como, so I need not to be sick!

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