Saturday, October 27, 2012

Switzerland 2012: Zurich = Snow

After a beautiful train ride through the Italian/Swiss Alps, I arrived in Zurich in the afternoon. Road signs and business banners changed from Italian to German as I went north. Besides the blast of cold air, I was greeted by an enormous "Guardian Angel" hanging from the ceiling of the Zurich main train station.

Alpine village in Switzerland.

My hotel, The Welcome Inn, is near the airport - about a 15 minute ride from downtown Zurich and still my most expensive hotel yet. But then, I am in Zurich, so that is to be expected. It is like living in Vancouver again :) I have to admit, I was a bit suprised to see men rushing past wearing lederhosen...I guess Oktoberfest lasts all year long around these parts.

House front with frescoes
I bought the 24 hour Zurich Card and have already made up the cost within the first 4 hours. It was raining when I left my hotel at around 3:30pm and snowing when I arrived in Zurich. I decided to find someplace warm and less snowy for the evening. Best option was the Kunsthaus Zurich. There was a Chagall exhibit - only a few paintings, but I really relate to his work and wanted to check it out. Turns out, the whole of Zurich had the same idea (entrance was free today.) They also had a collection of several impressionist painters, including a classic cypress painting by Van Gogh and a huge misty painting of the pond in Giverny by Monet.

Marc Chagall

Van Gogh

I wasn't really prepared for snow and my layers were proving less than effective, so I called it an early night and headed back to my hotel. I didn't have internet access in Milan, so I wanted to catch up on some of my blog entries. Tomorrow will be my last day in Europe, so I am going to bundle up and see the rest of Zurich in the morning. I had planned on going on a day trip to Liechtenstein, but guess I will save that for another time...

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